knock sensor trouble
knock sensor trouble
Hi all this is my first post on here will see how this goes I have a 2005 silverado Z71 5.3 v8. I recently had a check eng light pop on took it to my local Auto zone to get a reading.test results state that the 2nd bay #2 knock sensor has low output does this mean its working and about to go out? Or is it gone out completely? or maybe a harness problem? either way i am going to replace just curious. My 2nd question would be is there a knock sensor on either side of the block or side by side. cause in a diagram they had on the computer at Auto zone showed them side by side is this true cause i would think they are on opposite sides.
My next question would be when i do go to replace it what all is involved in doing so?
thanks for all who post
Keep on truckin
My next question would be when i do go to replace it what all is involved in doing so?
thanks for all who post
Keep on truckin
First off welcome to the far as the sensors being side by side I dont think so I would say one on each side and should be pretty straight forward as far as how they come out
They are under the intake and side by side. Intake needs to come off to replace. All the ones I have changed are corroded from water. Do yourself a favor and buy 2 sensors and the harness when you repair this. Torque is critical on the sensors. I usually rtv the front half of the rubber caps to the block so water can go around the plugs and not into the sensor. You also need intake gaskets. Not a hard job. Good luck.
They are under the intake and side by side. Intake needs to come off to replace. All the ones I have changed are corroded from water. Do yourself a favor and buy 2 sensors and the harness when you repair this. Torque is critical on the sensors. I usually rtv the front half of the rubber caps to the block so water can go around the plugs and not into the sensor. You also need intake gaskets. Not a hard job. Good luck.
Once you take off the sensors you will tell for sure which is bad. They will be so corroded and rusted. Use high temp silicone and use it like your brother sells it!! Once this is done, you will notice a power increase. Good luck!