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MajorSilva 06-12-2008 03:51 PM

RE: New Lift DONE!
Idler arm? You're gonna need new everything in the front end in a few months. Oh, BTW, don't go cheap on shocks. Every penny you invest in shocks is going to make you happier.

6mins2live 06-12-2008 04:06 PM

RE: New Lift DONE!
I know the keys are not the greatest way to go on a lift but it serves my purpose. I dont drive the truck often enough for it to do too much damage tho, and what it does wont upset me much because i know its coming. In know what you mean with shocks. There will be no skimping on those because they should really help with the rough ride.

By the way how hard is it to remove the black plastic pecies on the side of the truck? I know you said it takes a long time. How doesit look once its off, is it pretty torn up behind it?

rxsteven 06-12-2008 05:57 PM

RE: New Lift DONE!
Its not to hard if you use the right stuff. Ive heard the best way is to use a wheel from 3M that hooks up to a drill. Its like a eraser wheel.

MajorSilva 06-12-2008 06:50 PM

RE: New Lift DONE!
I am going to focking stab whoever is in charge of making this website take a **** on itself every focking time I try to post something.

MajorSilva 06-12-2008 06:51 PM

RE: New Lift DONE!
Brute force to just get the plastic trim off. Then, warm day and a whole bottle of Goo Gone/Gunk Off. Let that **** soak in really well in aforementioned warm day. Plastic paint scraper is also handy. Available at any hardware store for less than $1.

6mins2live 06-13-2008 08:47 AM

RE: New Lift DONE!
Alright sweet. Thanks guys, I am not sure when I will do it because its lowon the list right now. But I want to do it because I think it will look a lot better. Plus my trim is all torn up anyway.

I Second Major!

1985Chevy 06-13-2008 03:26 PM

RE: New Lift DONE!
you have the exact same lift as i do...except mines 4". and you stole my tires ; )

MajorSilva 06-13-2008 04:05 PM

RE: New Lift DONE!
Someone is going to have to explain to me why every Goddamned truck I see rolling around is wearing BFG A/Ts. A bunch of you guys have them as well and I wonder what's the attraction?

It can't be because they're a good deal, not at $230/apiece.
Enlighten me....?

jcormier89 06-14-2008 03:07 AM

RE: New Lift DONE!
if you put in new shocks line i plan on doing soon, does the truck have to be jacked up or chan i leave it on the ground...ive never done it before

6mins2live 06-15-2008 03:43 PM

RE: New Lift DONE!
The BFG AT's are great tires, you really cant go wrong. They grip great both on and off the road, they look great, and they last forever (60K warrenty). I have never known anyone to have a reason to stop buying them either. "If its not broke, dont fix it."

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